Workers' Comp / Jointly DME®

Increasing Your Practice’s Profitability. Improving Your Patients’ Outcomes.

NuLife Med has a significant history of elevating recovery for workers’ comp patients and the practices, like yours, that serve them.

We are privileged to extend that service history by improving your workers’ comp patients’ post-surgical joint recovery while increasing your practice’s profitability through a unique, vetted, and tested Workers’ Compensation Service Agreement that we call Jointly DME®.

We do all the work. You make more money.

Jointly DME® elevates recovery for patient by reducing their post-surgical pain, swelling, reliance on pain medication, and time to get back to work. Our Worker’s Compensation Service Agreement elevates recovery for practices by reducing your workload and investments in equipment, people, and paperwork while increasing your financial outcomes.

NuLife Med’s regional patient service hubs provide 7-day-a-week access to dedicated service representatives, well-versed in helping workers’ comp patients obtain the best possible recovery outcomes from our therapies.

Jointly DME® Point of Contact:

Kacey Wunsch
VP Sales and Service
Phone: (404) 973-8528
Fax: (800) 906-9048

What This Could Mean For Your Practice

Current per Practice DME Average Compensation per 10 Workers*

*Per patient contribution assumption $125 practice only… $500 with NuLife Med and 50% of patients renewing their prescription.

Driving Value to Your Practice Long Term